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Show all the text when draging the mouse over.

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Hello. First of all: I had no idea what to write in the Topic Title, without making the text too long.

So, there is a problem I want you to solve. I think it is actually really easy to do (I am not an programming expert). When you are in the sim, there is a lot of text.

An example of this could be the conversations menu. Right now, in my menu, I can find this text: "Here Dispatcher Gelsenkirchen. I ..." and then I can't read more.

To read more, I have to drag the window a lot to the right, just to see the text. I think it should be possible to just drag the mouse over the text, and then we could see the whole text.

I am really bad to explain in English, so I just have to apologize. I really hope you understand what I mean.

Here is an example I took from the forum:


I am talking about a window like this. When we hold the mouse over the Forums button, it tell us "Go to Forums"

When I hold my mouse over "Here Dispatcher Gelsenkirchen. I ...", I want to read the whole sentence, so I don't have to drag the whole window all the way to the right to see what it says.

I really hope you could fix this, it would be fantastic, and make the life easier!

Thanks for reading my post :)


Great idea. These are 'Tooltips' and I think could be easy to add to the simulation.

If you have any other ideas, please add them!

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