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Cancelling Overlap Routes - Duisburg Hbf


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This really has got me beaten. I've tried to follow the instructions contained in the Wiki to cancel overlap routes at Duisburg Hbf using the Number Entry panel using the arrow buttons in the panel and arrow buttons on my keyboard but nothing seems to work.

Any help would be much appreciated.



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can you tell us which Keys do not work and what you have tiped?

For example Track 004: you have to tipe "504" - "Ende"-key - right arrow key - Enter

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Benjamin, I tried using the arrow keys in the Number Panel, the arrow keys on my keyboard number pad (keys 4 and 6), and the arrow buttons outside of the keyboard number pad. None work.

Richard, I tried to cancel routes by following the Wiki instructions for the Number Entry panel (keyboard function 'H') but it doesn't work. I have discovered that I can cancel some overlaps as follows:- FHT Route Auxiliary Button cancels the overlaps on ASig P5 (Track 505) and ASig P1 (Track 001). DHT Overlap Route Release Button cancels the overlap to ASig N8 on Track 708. I cannot get any route/overlap release button to cancel the overlap of ASig P4 (Track 514). Again I have tried the Number Entry panel and I cannot get this method to cancel any overlap.

I find with all the German panel simulations that there is no consistency from one signlbox to another for which buttons will cancel which routes or overlaps (or even from one signal to another in the same signalbox). I just try all the route/overlap release buttons until one will cancel the route I require to be cancelled.

Duisburg looks like a really interesting simulation but I am finding the overlap cancellation issue really frustrating.



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Hi Phil,

I think (not sure) that there are two situations:

1. A train route has been set upto a signal including overlap route, but has not fully been released.
That is: train has not completed his route upto the signal. In that case you can only revoke the overlap with FHT in the green area (S59 system) ,and only when you have revoked the train route itself before revoking the overlap route

2. A train route has been set upto a signal, train has fully completed the route upto the signal (at least the last switch behind the train must be free)

Now, as the overlap route will not automatically release in the S59 system area, you need to apply 504 + Arrow right + End + Enter or

if you want to use group buttons : FHT + signal button

Note: track 004/504 is a bit special here, as for some reason trains tend not to drive upto the exit signal P4, but stop at Ls 4w (seems wrong to me)
Result that the train route is not fully released by train due to this, and thus might need FHT a bit more there

Hope this helps


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Hi Erwin,

Well, somehow I managed to release Track 514 with one of the route release buttons (I can't remember which one, I just kept trying different button combinations and the route cleared) but I cannot get the overlap of ASig P3 on Track 003 to release no matter what I do. In addition to this, whille trying different button combinations I to try and release overlaps I managed to set routes from ESig Y to Track 004 and ESig X to Track 003 with trains in those platforms, and those routes are now stuck and won't release regardless of which button combinations I use.

I think I have cracked it with the Number Panel overlap release. I must be going blind as I had failed to spot the second 'End' key on my keyboard. Anyway, at least this problem appears solved. Thank you all for your responses and efforts to help.



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Note that there is NO consistency between boxes... We've discovered over the years of work and building them, that each box is pretty unique, with unique features..

with the EDG box, try to use the -> cursor keys and the "END" key and "Return" after you enteredthe track numbers.

(works here on a english keyboard in Canada..)

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Thanks for that tip regarding keyboard keys Richard, I will do that.

Ah, so the method of releasing routes does vary from box to box in real life, that's handy to know. I thought it was just me attempting to use the wrong buttons.

Thanks again,


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