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Heidelberg Update 3 5 0 16

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Please, i report 2 problems (pheraps only the second is a problem)

while i was opening simulation there is a message....neighbour data not found and after, when i klick on setting there is an error message.

Thanks for reply



this "neighbour data not found" message should only be shown when you are playing with -x option. Can you confirm that?
It is just a warning when you are running under Dev-mode (-x option)

The second problem: no idea, have to check that later tonight


hallo Erwin.

Yes, for first problem......i'm with -x option present.

For the second the problem is more important because is impossible at the moment to change timetable

good evening



There are others problems

if i choose an high probability of switch defects (switch does not reach his final position) when failure happens alarm sound is only for some seconds and not continuos as i think it must be and after is not possible to put on EIN light switch indicator anymore. If i restart simulation ein option for switch position remains off even if ai try to change it

Is this behaviour normal ?

Good Evening



also all switch after failure are blocked and is not possible to move them


I know that for Fulda some new functions for switch failures are to be introduced.

It is well possible that this new function is now embedded in Heidelberg as well.

Have to check that.

Offtopic: did you receive my e-mail. Need some info about Genoa


Ok. please send twice the email because i had not received your email



... and after, when i klick on setting there is an error message.

Sorry, I do not understand the last error message that you get.

Are you saying that you can not select a custom timetable from the Settings Menu?

Just tested that, and that does still work



There are others problems

if i choose an high probability of switch defects (switch does not reach his final position) when failure happens alarm sound is only for some seconds and not continuos as i think it must be and after is not possible to put on EIN light switch indicator anymore. If i restart simulation ein option for switch position remains off even if ai try to change it

Is this behaviour normal ?

also all switch after failure are blocked and is not possible to move them

Richard has send me some information (in German) on this:

how I read this is that the alarm will indeed only sound for a few seconds. The "W" indicator above a WUT button should flash red.

At that time the current to drive the switch motor is shut down. I do not know how and when it gets back. I believe it is indicated by the "WL" indicators also in a blue group tile. If the current to throw switches is not returned within 2,5 minutes, the alarm will sound again

Hopefully Richard can clarify a couple of things on this


I have modified and eliminated the -x option and now there is not the error message when i try to open setting button but

if i try to open the setting button when i start simulation screen is all gray but no setting window appears (from wich it was possible to indicate and choose a custom timetable)


but the strange thing is that general ein light button for switch after the last incident happened doesnt works anymore !


Diego, you might try to reset workplace (all three buttons). I think an old setting is blocking you.

switch defects:

there are two types:

1. End Contact broken: switch will run to other position, just no indication that is actually did that. switch running engine will shut off. After 7 secs alarm goes off, press WUT to stop alarm.
2. there's an object in the blades/broken connector: switch will never get to end position. switch engine will keep running. after 7 secs alarm goes off, press WUt to stop alarm. Then after 2 minutes other alarm goes off. press WUT there to stop that alarm. Now you can not throw switches in the chain... you have to do them individually!

note: to resolve: try other position! If not possible; good luck with dispatching and call the technician. He can solve it.


Richard the problem is that with last update the setting button when i start heidelberg doesnt open the setting menu . Only if i re-install original setup heidelberg file and i return to an old version i can see the setting options windows

is only mine problem ?


I can't reproduce it neither with English nor with German or Netherlands language settings. The setting button works always fine. Try to reset the Simulation-Config manually by deleting the Zentralstellwerk_Heidelbe*-Directorys in C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData\Local\SIGNALSOFT_Rail_Consultan\.


sorry. but still it doesnt works. the current update make me impossible to open setting window. With oldest version all works fine


Richard the problem is that with last update the setting button when i start heidelberg doesnt open the setting menu . Only if i re-install original setup heidelberg file and i return to an old version i can see the setting options windows

is only mine problem ?

It could be Diego, that it is just your problem ...

.. however I have seen something in relation to issues with localization, in your case that would be Italian.

I will notify the Dev-team.

May I ask you to send any error messages you get (screen captures) to the feedback e-mail address. Thanks


Can I get a screen shot of the Settings window not working? Seeing it might help me to narrow down the problem.


now i'm going to work. Tomorrow i take the screen and i send you




In Fulda, some changes which might make the Settings window work properly.


i have deleted both folder in c/dcouments and setting\..............................and in c:\programme\Zentralstellwerke Heidelberg

Reinstalled (setup file and introducing register key.

all works fine. but when i download last update my PC restart and forget initial settings. I had a mine timetable introduced and it changes with the standard timetable previw with version.

This update is a serial kiler !


Problem solved

Eureka !

i have installed on another PC (that i usually use for real train dispatching at my office work) and copied the folder on my usual pC this evening

Now Heidelber works fine and i can choose and modify my timetable. Setting window is now visible with update

Thanks at friend that have tried to help me

Have a good Sunday



Problem solved

i have installed on another PC (that i usually use for real train dispatching at my office work) and copied the folder on my usual pC this evening

Now Heidelber works fine and i can choose and modify my timetable. Setting window is now visible with update

Well actually it is bad news :rolleyes: Is it still safe to sit in an Italian train as of today :D ??

It is really strange that installing the application on a total different machine then your own, and copying the installation over to your own machine did solve the problem.

This almost sounds like the Update installer does install a corrupt file or something is missing.

May I ask you which Operating System you are you using at home (so Windows XP, Windows Vista , Windows 7 including installed Service Pack) ?

The language of the OS is most likely Italian isn't it ;)

And which versions of .Net do you have installed on your home system

Reason I ask is because someone on the German forums is facing similar issues.


(hoping to have some safe train rides in Italy)


Hallo Erwin. Dont worry Italians trains have good safe level. On my office i only can operate on an old PC with some playing cards games between a train and another, especially in night turn.

I have XP and net 4.0

I have sent you a message in Signalsoft messenger



And the Office PC, is that an Windows 7 machine?


no also XP at office

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