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Two questions for Richard. Please

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Two questions for Richard. Please

i have two questions about dynamic trains behaviour.

All trains starting from Andernach direct to Kruft (Mayen) from block section 101 until Kruft go always with a slow speed while train coming from Kruft have a normal speed (full speed when they starts from Kruft until signal G at Andernach) So train time for trains direct to Kruft is 3 minutes more longer that trains arriving from Kruft (Mayen)...........why this ?


trains coming from Brohl reduce speed and release brakes entering in section 111 and have normal behaviour (speed) after passing block section 111. In block section 111 all trains go slow. Why this ?

good evening from Italy


the same thing happens in Hurt K and Kleinstadt. All trains coming from left to the right of the panel when enter in first block section go slow.



There *is* a module in the driver's "virtual brain" for each train that decides about "how fast he should go" as long as it is lower than the maximum allowed speed.

I shuffled over the code this afternoon and I think I see a potential issue. Though this part is a lot of "fuzzy logic" that is very complex. There are many many reasons why he would decide to go a tiny bit slower. It also could have to do with the visibility... it might be that the train can't see the next signal. though in our case he's further away.

It's hard to test, so please bear with me.


But naturally !

i will be patient. It's an hard work and you will have all time necessary !!!

Good night and as always thanks for your fast reply to me

Have a good week



yesterday when i wrote my thread after having changed trains types (consist templates) direct to Mayen (and also dynamic train types) in acces database as always i had the same result (trains for Mayen starts very slow from track 24 to track 4r3 and after slow with some release brakes until they arrives at Kruft) i had the idea that this strange behaviour was not referred to dynamic of trains but was a track referred problem as on tracks there was a slow order for train driver. I think so because in the other track (coming from Kruft) trains dont go so slow.

Good evening


Yeah, it has to do how the drivers observe the road ahead. He's fighting around with a large set of operational rules and for some reason chooses the "worst case" a bit too worse.

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