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Machinesten op treinen zetten

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Ik zal er misschien overheen gekeken hebben, maar hoe krijg ik een machinist op de trein in fulda? Trein Rabt73644 krijgt helaas geen machinist (volgens het dienstregelingbestand zou die er wel degelijk om 03:45:00 opgezet moeten worden). Ik heb nu een aantal zaken geprobeerd, maar met geen mogelijkheid krijg ik er een machinist op om hem (inmiddels 2 uur te laat) aan de kant te krijgen. 




I will answer in English as my Dutch is too poor.


I had a look at the timetable mdb-file.


Instead of Rabt73644 the predecessor train 4544 ist stabled on track 246 until 03:45. This train has two movement orders: Turnaround and change the number to Rabt73644. As there is a mistake in the StabledTrains entry this train doesn't show its movement orders. Also a movement order for activating is missing as this is the wrong train to stable.
If you send the engineer to this train and add the two movement orders it will turn around and renumber to Rabt 73644.


Rabt 73644 has 3 movement orders: Stable the train, let the engineer come back at 03:45 and then renumber to train 73644. If you activate train 4544 on time, everything will be performed as forseen. But if you activate train 4544 too late and let it renumber to Rabt73644 far after 03:45, Rabt73644 will perform the first movement order and will wait for the second until next day at 03:45.
In this case you should again send the engineer to the Rabt73644.




Ah, it took me some time to understand the mdb file, so I had not seen that. I would have thought that if 4544 populates the sim at start, it will instantly change it's number to Rabt 73644 and get's it's corresponding shunting orders. In fact, it should do so, because I do not have train 4544 in the sim, but only Rabt73644, so it did change the number Or am I misunderstanding you? I agree it would be more logical to only enter Rabt73644 directly. 


And what do you mean with  sending the engineer to Rabt73644? Sending the yard master? (the blue figure in the shunting order menu). Because that does not work, I sent him 30 minutes ago and the train still has prepared orders. 

vor 22 Stunden schrieb broodje:

And what do you mean with  sending the engineer to Rabt73644? Sending the yard master? (the blue figure in the shunting order menu). Because that does not work, I sent him 30 minutes ago and the train still has prepared orders. 

You have to use the upper field of the movement order window. Right click on the train and you will see a pop-up menue. To send the engineer to the train use "Besetze Zug mit Personal". This is the German expression. You should have something similar in Dutch.
The train will immediately pop up in the train overview window. Maybe it takes some time until it's ready (1 or 2 minutes).


If you don't find the respectice train, e.g. Rabt73644 in the list, use the right mouse button somewhere in the upper field. Than use "Zeige Züge ohne Personal" (German expression).


12 uur geleden zei Helmut:

You have to use the upper field of the movement order window. Right click on the train and you will se a pop-up menue. To send the engineer to the train use "Besetze Zug mit Personal". This is the German expression. You should have something similar in Dutch.
The train will immediately pop up in the train overview window. Maybe it takes some time until it's ready (1 or 2 minutes).


If you don't find the respectice train, e.g. Rabt73644 in the list, use the right mouse button somewhere in the upper field. Than use "Zeige Züge ohne Personal" (German expression).


Besetze Zug mit Personal: Zet personeel op de trein

Zeige Züge ohne Personal: Toon treinen zonder personeel

Movement order window: Rangeeropdrachten


Zur Klarstellung/Ter verduidelijking 🤗




Thank you Helmut, I was looking for that option in the train list 😳. I don't know why, and neither why I had not seen in in the right click menu of the Rangieraufträge. 


And thanks PeteEHAM, Although I can read German (I had lessons in it for 3 years at school). I must admit that I  was terrible at it, so I've never attempted to actually speak, let alone write it ;). 

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