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Although this is not my first signalling simulation, I'm not familiar with rail operations in North Europe, so I have some questions.

1 - What is the "steering number"?

2 - Every so often you see a train bound from the port (Hafengleis) to Andernach track 6. Once it comes, is listed as "Ready to depart" but has no time of departure or destination (Andernach (KAND)). I've looked at the timetable but there is no departure service with that train. What I do with that train? where it goes? No ordes given to that train.

3 - Somewhat similar trains from Koblenz. For example, the service 59510 to Andernach track 5, once it arrives the engine uncouple and turns around waiting to couple with cars w59613 in track 6. Where is w59613? What I do with cars w59510?

4 - How to get a shunt locomotive for yard operations?

I´ve been viewing manual and wiki but I don´t find information about this. I tried to renumber the w59510 cars but I only get the number in panel (not the cars himself).

Someone can help?

Thank you.


1. the steering number is a method of automatic route setting for trains. The steering number is the FIRST number in a train descriptor display. if the train number is 4711 then the steering number can be 1-4711.

In simulations like Cologne the steering number "steers" the train in a certain direction. (see here for more info: steering number info cologne)

In simulations like Bonn/Gelsenkirchen/Andernach, the numbers have a minor importance, as there is no steering system availabe. The Steering number then only supplies some high level detail about the train's direction.

2. if you use the latest timetable available, you will see some other purposes for that train.

3. the shunting operations are interlinked with the trains from 2.

4. there is a shunt loco available and stabled in the yard. If you look in the Movement Order window and activate "show all trains", you can see also the trains without staff. put staff on it and use it at your disposal!

Trains that don't have staff, can't run and are normally "hidden" in the train overview and movement order window.


here some info about how to change the timetable: http://www.railsignalling.org/signalwiki/index.php/Timetables


Thanks for your reply.

If you start simulation at 0:00 there are not any loco on yard (with unstaffed trains "on").

I think I´ve loaded the new timetable (settings->simulation->check "use custom timetables"->route to *.mdb) and I still see no additional information for the trains mentioned above (point 2 and 3). Only that Ug 88870(6:05), for example, have an order to change direction at Gleis 25, nothing more (the pdf timetable is the same as the original?).

If you start simulation at 6:00 the service 59613 is ready al track 6 (what they did?) and track 5 is unoccupied.

I´m still stuck whit this as I don´t know what to do with these trains once arrived at station.

Sorry for my english and thanks for your help.


When you start at 06:00, 59510 has already uncoupled, and the loco has already gone around and recoupled, becoming 59613. 59613 has a scheduled stop on track 6 until 07:10, where it heads to KWEH.

Additionally, there's a loco (lok290) on track 22 that is unstaffed. It's available from 00:00 to 23:59 (all day). Remember that you won't see this loco on the panel, as it is on track without a track occupation light (or a number box). As Richard stated, you'll need to staff by first showing unstaffed trains in the Movement Orders window (right-click Show Unstaffed Trains) then, right-click on lok290, Staff Train.

I hope this helps you!



If I start at 0:03, no locos in yard. (With "see unstaffed trains" in "on" the movement order window shows nothing). If I start at 1:00, for example, there are one loco (lok290, unstaffed).

You say that if I start at 6:00 the service 59613 is ready because the loco has been turn around and recouple, recouple with what? with w59510 and renumber? No order to do this. The orders says "couple with w59613". Where is w59613?

From my view of sight there are 2 options, and none of them are correct:

A - Recouple with w59510 and renumber it as 59613 (orders given differ from this) and shunt all stock from track 5 to track 6 (this makes a conflict with service 88870 arrive at Andernach track 6 at 6:20 from HafenGleis).

B - Some users says that the service from HafenGleis is the future 59613. The loco of 59510 will couple with 88870 loaded cars on track 6 and makes it service 59613, and the loco from 88870 couple with unloaded w59510 on track 5 and take them to HafenGleis (no orders, I must give that orders)... Uhm, sounds more logical but there is two problems (and no direct route to HafenGleis from track 5, shunting needed):

1 - No timetabled/ordered service to HafenGleis (well, it is possibly the the way of work in Andernach)

2 - The "view Consist" option in timetable says that the service 59613 will be 25 loaded cars, and the cars from HafenGleis are only 15, and some of them are not loaded. The service does not match.

So, my question is still on the table: What I must do with these trains?

No info in Signalwiki.

No info in the manual.

No info in the timetable.

This seems an a guessing game.

In the Track Occupancy windows I´m seeing something like this on track 5 about 6:00: <lok59510, w59510+w59613,>lok59613,>59613. I understand sybols "<" and ">", his meaning is "from" and "to", but symbol "+" I dont know his meaning.



So, my question is still on the table: What I must do with these trains?

No info in Signalwiki.

No info in the manual.

No info in the timetable.

This seems an a guessing game.

In the Track Occupancy windows I´m seeing something like this on track 5 about 6:00: <lok59510, w59510+w59613,>lok59613,>59613. I understand sybols "<" and ">", his meaning is "from" and "to", but symbol "+" I dont know his meaning.


It is well possible that the timetable of Andernach has some open-ends which need to further investigation and might need to be fixed.

"+" is very simple here, couple with wagons w59510 and wagons w59613.

If you really think that there is something wrong in the timetable, i.e. in your examples its like consists are not there at the right time, please inform the Signalsoft team either via the forums or via the feedback e-mail which can be found in the manual (pdf)


With the most recent timetable, starting at 06:00, I have the following:

  • 7206 stopped on track 24
  • 59613 stopped on track 6
  • lok290 stabled on track 22

None of the above trains have any movement orders at this time.

I'm not a timetable expert, so Richard might need to answer some of your questions, but can you verify that with the latest timetable, starting at 06:00, you have the trains I've listed? Otherwise, we have a bug.



Yes, at 6:00 I have the same things as you. No problem with this, but, if you see timetable, the service 88870 comes from HafenGleis at 6:20 at...track 6!. Service 59613 is already on track 6 with departure 7:10 --->Conflict.

The only way of have the service 59613 ready at 6:00 is to recouple with cars w59510 and shunt all to track 6 and it seems that it should not be so. No other freight services arrival at Andernach in this interval of time (88870 is the only service and seems to end here).

The correct solution seems to be the B explained above, except the problem that the services do not match. (Possible timetable error?)

In real life services in the timetables rarely have conflicts, except for breakdowns, failures, delays or maintenance. They have designed precisely for avoiding conflicts, so that the A solution does not seem good.

The simulation runs accordingly to timetable, so no bugs in this. Possibly there are an error on the design of timetable. I don´t know the timetable designer intentions with these trains, as there no info about it. I think is not a bug, rather a lack of info, perhaps the bug (if there is a bug) can be the consist on timetable.

For now, and for continuing with game, I will take the B solution (although consists not match). I think is the best solution (o more logical) without info.

Thank you for replying.

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