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Cannot get trains to leave KK

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Hi - hoping for some help to get this timetable underway.  

I start at 05.00 12th July.  On starting there are 2 trains parked in KK platforms - they have come from KKD (parking) and are heading back towards KOPL and KD at 05.10 - I 2214 and I 2445.  I wait for the 'Train Ready' signal and set the routes up towards 210 and 220 - the routes set OK and greens come.   But the trains never move.


I see in the Wiki that A230 and A220 are in the ZNP offering list - so i try that - offers accepted - route set - but still no move.  


Help appreciated as this is my first go with Koln.


Seems as if you use an old version of the timetable. In the latest running version these trains are not stabled, when starting the program.

As these trains have come from left (KKD) it may be, that they are stabled in the wrong (right) direction. Have a look at it. If yes, call the engineers and tell them to change the direction.


Better option: Use the latest timetable version as an external timetable file.

Latest program version:

Valid timetable version: 130612_koeln_2012_timetable_reissue


Thanks Helmut.  I thought that as i had just purchased this sim it would be up-to-date.


Sorry to be a nuisance , but can i ask where i can find up-to-date timetables - i see the entry from Tjoe saying 'latest timetable version' - but when i click on the link - nothing happens - and the entry seems very old.


If you have registered and entered the license key, two buttons should pop up when starting the sim: One for the sim update, and the other for the download of external documents. These documents should include the latest timetable version.


I have registered (confirmed by e-mail) and entered the key - but i get no update buttons an start up.  I can update through the settings menu - but no updates.


Perhaps if Admin read this they can advise as i can find no way of direct contact.


When i load Mathilde i do see an update selection.


Perhaps start the sim as Admin. Or start the update file in the program folder on 😄

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