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SP DR S 600, memory line erased at execution

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I've got a strange problem, probably caused by doing something wrong myself. When I execute a line from the memory block on the SP DR S 600 interface that line is erased and all lines below it a moved up. Has anyone an idea what I did to get this effect, and more importantly how I can revert to the normal operation? I've already restarted a few times, but that doesn't help.


And a smal different question, how can I use FHTG from the S 600 interface? I used HS,A357 to set A357 to red (which works). After which I tried RR,N12 or RR.N12 and RR-N12, but non of these revoked the route towards N12. What did I do wrong?


For the lines erasing in the DET: which command do you give? Normally if you do like  1 and enter, it executes your command and the line is still active and seen in the memory block. If you use LOE command, it will erase the line in the memory block.


You can only re-program your memory blocks, there is no way to revert to the situation before you erased the lines. Also a reinstallation won't help, as the memory blocks were empty when you bought the sim.


For the FHTG through the S600 interface: RR only works for rangierstrassen, not for a zugstrasse. I think this case you should use the FHTG button on the panel instead of using the DET, but I could be wrong........

vor 22 Minuten schrieb broodje:

I've got a strange problem, probably caused by doing something wrong myself. When I execute a line from the memory block on the SP DR S 600 interface that line is erased and all lines below it a moved up. Has anyone an idea what I did to get this effect, and more importantly how I can revert to the normal operation? I've already restarted a few times, but that doesn't help.

If you use ENTER to execute this replaces the button VL. And VL means: Verarbeiten und Löschen. (Execute and delete)
To keep the entry you have to use the button VS. That means: Verarbeiten und Speichern. (Execute and save). If you use the keyboard: Shift+ENTER.


vor 26 Minuten schrieb broodje:

And a smal different question, how can I use FHTG from the S 600 interface? I used HS,A357 to set A357 to red (which works). After which I tried RR,N12 or RR.N12 and RR-N12, but non of these revoked the route towards N12. What did I do wrong?


The FHTG has no command to use with the DET. For security reasons the dispatcher has to stand up, go to the panel and do it there by pressing the buttons. This is to make him aware what he is doing now. So, if you want to revoke a train route, you have to do it with the buttons on the panel. A shunt route can be revoked by the DET-commands.

1 minuut geleden zei Helmut:

If you use ENTER to execute this replaces the button VL. And VL means: Verarbeiten und Löschen. (Execute and delete)
To keep the entry you have to use the button VS. That means: Verarbeiten und Speichern. (Execute and save). If you use the keyboard: Shift+ENTER.


If I use the ENTER button it executes without deleting.... I use the ENTER key of my nummeric board (the right side of my keyboard with all the numbers), and with num lock on........


Yep, it used to be as Pete says. But it works as helmut says now. I would like it if it works with the enter key again. Has this changed with the last update? I have not heard anyone else about it. 




I know the wiki page of the det system, that is how I learned to use it. The description is correct for the enter key: Execute and erase command from command line, not the memory cell. With shift+enter you save it on the first available line. So I think (at least for me) the simulation is misbehaving. 


I did not know the DET system won't allow you to reset a route, the table with command shows under 'Routes' FRTG or RR: Revokes a complete (shunt) route. (Reminder: First operate start signal with HS/HaGT!). So I thought I was doing something wrong, but if I understand you correctly the wiki is wrong. It doesn't sound strange though to disallow resetting routes via the DET. I asume the same counts for Fulda?


The "from command line" appending does not appear in the German version of the wiki. I did not test it with Würzburg or with a current version of Signalsoft, but in old versions VL indeed did not delete things from the command stack. So maybe your're right and there may was a change.


Remind that the command stack was intented to be a stack of something, that has to be done later and not as a list of abbreviations to shorten commands. I'm not sure how this is in reality, but as far as I know it ist indeed used as a abbreviation table today. So I don't know, but it is possible that Richard did this changes on purpose and only the Enlish version of the wiki is misleading yet. But its also possible that this change was just by accident.


Route reset: Remind that there is a difference between Train Routes and Shunt Routes. You can only revoke shunt routes, train routes that did not come to a certain security level (including parts of train routes from shunt signal to shunt signal), and switches that did not request flank protection.


I just tested it again with the latest version ( and if I do ENTER, the command stack doesn't get deleted at all.....


I've always used the DET this way, from the moment Fulda came out.


Maybe it's something with my system, I don't know.... I have my W10 system language set to English (due for work) or maybe my keyboard isn't correctly configured in W10......


In the end I've removed the sim and re-installed. That seemed to have worked. It is all working normally again. I still don't know what I did that caused it. 


I don't think the way it worked for me is the way it should work though. Why else would Fulda have a filled set of memory banks when you first open it?


If I remember well, Fulda comes with a set of pre-defined memory banks.

Würzburg doesn't.

However, whenever you change the memory banks as per your own needs, that used to be stored and be reloaded the next time you start the sim. Haven't tested that recently myself though

10 uur geleden zei TjoeTjoe:

If I remember well, Fulda comes with a set of pre-defined memory banks.

Würzburg doesn't.

However, whenever you change the memory banks as per your own needs, that used to be stored and be reloaded the next time you start the sim. Haven't tested that recently myself though

That is correct, it still works that way :rolleyes:

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